I feel stronger about it now. It will happen.
To convert the impossible to possible – thats what Deepu is capable of. To dream and to have the strength to achieve those dreams, thats what Deepu is made of. To invent and having the vision to invent, thats what Deepu is going to achieve in years to come. I am proud of you Deepu. You make us all proud and giving you a standing ovation. This is just way too EXCITING.
I think I will never forget this day, May 19th, 2003. In this economy, to get a job itself is a big feat…to get a good job is all the more difficult, but to get a DREAM JOB, is something most of us do not think of. The offer from Nokia Research Center is a DREAM JOB indeed. I am convinced, that its quite difficult to impress people as proficient as Dr. Ora Lassila, and to work side by side with him is an honor. Whenever I used to talk to Jari Malinen (Nokia Research with Dr. Charlie Perkins), I used to wonder that it must be feeling so great to work with a visionary like him and now that Deepu has got a chance, I am sure all of us will get to know how it feels.
Deepu, you have worked hard over your masters program and there cannot be a better end to this, than a job in NRC. More and more of these “seemingly impossible” feat that deepu accomplishes, I am made to believe that this girl is definitely born for a cause. For once I am at a loss of words. Heartiest Congratulations and you’ve made the impossible possble.
Its time to sit back and relish this moment. Enjoy the feat. I am proud of you.
Sovrin Bhai.