BITS, Pilani UFL Citrix Systems Inc.









Projects List

Academic Graduate Projects

Three-Tier Architecture for Ubiquitous Data Access Jan00-May01
Three-tier architecture of a middleware that addresses challenges facing accessibility, availability, and consistency of data in mobile environments is designed.
Coda File System, Carnegie Mellon University.

stockDen Feb01-April01
stockDEN is a complete suite of mobile stock services providing stock tracking, mobile trading and customization tied with elegant user-interfaces for the smart investor on the move. This design and implementation was for a Motorola-sponsored project for the Mobile Computing class. Used Sun's J2ME technology for small devices and implemented on Motorola's new Java-enabled i85s and i50sx handsets that use the iDEN technology.
J2ME, iDen

DLXSim Simulator for a Cycle-by-Cycle pipelined DLX architecture. Sep00-Nov00
Implemented a cycle-by-cycle pipeline simulator for DLX. Also developed an assembler. The assembler translates the pipelined assembly code into DLX binary code. The simulator loads the binary code into memory, execute the code, and produce performance statistics. The simulator also does forwarding and handles branch delays.
Java, WinDLX.

TINY-Compiler construction for a C type language Sep00-Nov00
In this project implemented a lexical analyzer, recursive descent parser, constrainer and a code generator for the Tiny language. Tiny is a small subset of C.
Java, Oolong (to convert JVM instructions to byte code)

Leader Election Problem in Distributed Systems Mar00-Apr00
Implemented the Bully algorithm in distributed systems to counter site failures by electing new leader to transparently manage transactions.

Database Indexing using Hash and Joins Feb00-Apr00
Increased query performance by adding primary and secondary hash indexes, threading and word boundary techniques.
C++, Tcl.

Birman-Schiper-Stephenson Protocol for Causal Ordering of Messages in Distributed Systems Feb00-Mar00
Implemented a global clock mechanism for synchronization in distributed systems based on the causal ordering of messages

Dining Philosophers Problem in Virtual Distributed System Jan00-Feb00
Implemented the famous resource/data management problem for concurrency and deadlock analysis.

mVoice - Design, Implementation and Performance Analysis of a Distributed Multicast System for Audio conferencing Nov'99-Jan00
Implemented a multicast audio conferencing system based on the spanning tree topology. Performance evaluations showed marked improvement against a unicast system in terms of bandwidth utilization and scalability.
TCP/IP, C, Solaris

Overview of the Data Warehousing Project at Stanford (WHIPS) Oct99-Dec99
Studied the WHIPS and its features architecture, materialized views, incremental hoarding, etc. - for presentation in the course Data Warehousing and Decision Support System.

Design and Implementation of a Unix Shell Mar00-Apr00
A complete UNIX shell was implemented with pipes, redirection and shell environment management. A lexer and a parser were used to parse command line inputs.
Java, JLex, CUP.

Some Academic Undergraduate Projects

UNIX Device Drivers Aug'98-Dec'98
Presented various building concepts of a UNIX Device Driver, the importance of a device driver and how it interacts with other interfaces, an overview of the system components and I/O data buffers, discussed the various routines which provide block I/O interface, character I/O interface and terminal I/O interface and introduction to streams I/O interface and SCSI.

COMPDOC- A Medical Expert System using Prolog Inference Engine Jan'98-Mar'98
Designed and developed a medical expert system having a Prolog inference engine for diagnosing common diseases. Engine was interfaced to a multimedia presentation made with Authorware and Adobe Photoshop.
Prolog, Adobe, Authorware.

CRC tool to aid efficient Object Oriented Design Mar98-May98
A simple tool to manage the class-hierarchy-relationships for object oriented design. The concept was picked up from the CRC cards used to manage classes in software engineering.

Component Based Development in Java Aug '99 to Dec '99
The project was done at the Center for Instructional Software set up by Learning Byte International to develop instructional Software. Researched upon the benefits of Component Based Development, identified Java as the language for implementation and implemented simple applications using this distributed paradigm.

Rain Drop Virus-Implementation for DOS Sep97-Nov97
Assembly code was written to simulate the famous Rain Drop Virus on DOS. Its a funny virus that drops all the characters on the screen to the bottom of the screen like rain drops.
Language 8086 Assembly Language